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Biodegradável vs . Não- Biodegradável Soap

A distinção between biodegradável and não- biodegradável soap mais blurred . Biodegradável soap is a product that decomposes Naturally and quickly - usually within six months - by the action of microrganismo or other Biological Processo . Não- biodegradável soap may take between many years and many anos para decompose . Botha soap Varieties consiste of a mixture of natural and Synthetic substance . Todos soap Forms have some detrimental effect on the environment . Standards

The term " biodegradável " Refer to the Ability of a substance to decompose . There is no clear , legal definition of " biodegradável . " What standards exist usually apply to plástico. In the United States , ASTM International define teste methods for biodegradável plástico. There is no definition of a biodegradável soap or detergente and any Manufacturer may label a soap " biodegradável . " The European Union requires that a " biodegradável " substance must decompose por 90 por cento within six months . The Australian padrão requires 80 percent of a substance to decompose within 21 days to carry a " biodegradável " label . Postal dos EUA Composition

Soap is a chemical compound that derive from the reaction between a Fatty Acid and an Alkali such as Sodium or potassium hydroxide . Traditionally , the FAT used were either Vegetable or animal FAT or a combination of the two . Animal FAT alone produz a very hard soap . Coconut oil alone produz a soft soap that is solúvel em seawater . Serviço Postal dos EUA Cleaning Properties

Soap works because it consiste de Chemicals known as surfactante . These break down the surface tension of water , dissolve Grease and remove some dirt from any fabric or article that is washed . Antibacterial Chemicals such as " carbólico , " or phenols , were added to SOAP from the early 20th century . These did not break down in the environment , and Waste foam from domestic or industrial Cleaning clogged Drain and Waterways . Serviço Postal dos Builders

Soap Manufacturers sought to make soap " biodegradável " by Adding COMPOUNDS to enable the soap resíduo para decompose as quickly as possible . These COMPOUNDS , or builders , React with Calcium and magnesium ions present in all water Supplies to avoid the creation of Scum and foam . Phosphate COMPOUNDS Remain some of the most common builders . These produz Environmental problems in Waterways by creating excessive algal blooms and depleting the amount of Oxygen present in water . Aluminosilicates and sodium citrato are alternative builders para phosphates . But these are estrogen mímico and also leave detrimental effects on Ecosystem . Serviço Postal dos EUA em