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Casca Sagrada vs . Senna

casca Sagrada and Senna are two natural remédio commonly used as laxatives.Cascara sagrada , a type of buckthorn , mais a shrubby Tree which Grow in the Pacific Northwest . The Bark from this shrub is the primary ingredientes used for relieving constipation.Senna is an herb which also relevo Constipation . The leaves and Stem of this Herb are Frequently made ​​into Senna tea.Both of these natural laxativo are quite strong and cão have similar Side Effects . História

casca sagrada was used in over the counter (OTC) laxativo Medications until 2002 and Senna is believed to have been in use since the 9th century . Both are still popular with herbal Remedy Enthusiast . Em

In May 2002, The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a new rule that stated casca sagrada --- incluindo casanthranol , casca fluidextract aromáticas , casca sagrada Bark , casca sagrada extract , and casca sagrada fluidextract --- "... have not been shown to be generally reconheceu as safe and effective ..." as an over the counter (OTC) laxativo . Due to that decisão , casca sagrada had to be removed as an ingredientes em OTC laxativo within 180 days of the FDA ruling . Postal dos EUA Function

Botha Herbs work as purgativo . Eles cause the internal cólon Muscles to contract more forcefully , which move bile and Waste through the colon and out of the body more quickly . Serviço Postal dos EUA Usage

While both cão be used as ervas Supplement in capsule form , Senna is commonly diffused --- or steeped in water and made ​​into a tela . Depending upon how Severe the Constipation is and how much Senna or casca you take , relief cão take Six to 12 horas . Em

Senna is also included in many common OTC Medications such as Ex- Lax , Dosaflex and Fletchers Castoria . Serviço Postal dos side Effects online em

Since these Herbs cause your intestinal Muscles to contract more strongly , abdominal Cramps are a common side effect .

em Long term use of these laxativo cão cause Loss of potassium and other critical vitamina , mineral and Fluids from your body . em

prolonged use cão cause your body to become Dependent on them and not be able to move bile through the cólon regularly on its own . Serviço Postal dos Warnings

Senna and casca may not be safe for use in children . From a nine - month evaluation of six poison controle centers , The Maine Regional Poison Center concluded that " Unintentional ingestão de Senna - containing laxativo in young children may potentially cause Severe Diaper rash , blisters , and skin sloughing . " Em

strong purgativo such as these could cause miscarriages in pregnant women . em

Regardless of whether taken via OTC Medications or herbal Supplement , Neith Senna nor casca Sagrada should be continued for more than one week without supervisão by a doctor .
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